I’m an unabashed summer lover. I’m probably out-of-step with my profession, because extreme heat can be worrisome with turkeys, but I’d take most summer days over any day in January. I love the season that finds our birds outside on every corner of the farm, and I relish the long summer days that create the illusion of “bonus hours” to get that perennial one-more-thing accomplished.
These days are also a great time to hit the road for a daytrip, so I’ll proudly sport my community spirit hat and encourage you to make a trip to see us in Cannon Falls! I’m a biker, so I think the Cannon Valley Trail is a hidden gem, running to the Mississippi River in Red Wing. If you’d rather be on the water, you can rent a canoe or tube to float the Cannon River. Either way, you should finish your ride with a local glass or pint at either Cannon River Winery or Tilion Brewing, right in the heart of our historic downtown. No bias here, but you may also want to grab a Ferndale turkey club sandwich at Nick’s Downtown Diner, and top off the day with a scoop at CannonBelles Coffee & Ice Cream. There are plenty of other ways to spin this itinerary: golf, boating Lake Byllesby, or antiquing, but I’m showing my hand with my strong love for our great biking, food, and beverage scene.
I’ve often said that my Grandpa Dale didn’t intend to settle in a community with such daytrip destination appeal. He was just looking for a good place to grow turkeys. And yet, 83 years later, Cannon Falls turns out to be both.
We hope to see you here at Ferndale Market and in our neighborhood during these great months ahead. Depending on the time of day, our paths may cross here on the farm, on the bike trail, or at the ice cream shop!
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