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  7. Turkey Breast Tenderloins

Turkey Breast Tenderloins

The most tender part of the turkey breast! Generously sized from our tom turkeys and perfect for grilling or as an alternative to chicken breast.

[Cases of bulk products are available to non-wholesale customers at our on-farm store in Cannon Falls, MN. Please call ahead so we can set aside the bulk cases for you: 507-263-4556 ext 1. We are not able to ship product at this time.]

Product Weight: ~1 oz
Amount / Pack: N/A
Packs / Case: 10-15
Case Weight: 10 lbs
Categories: ,

How to Buy:

Raised with care

Antibiotic Free
Antibiotic Free
Independent Family Farm
Independent Family Farm
Lean Protein
Lean Protein
Naturally Processed
Naturally Processed
No Additives or Fillers
No Additives or Fillers


  • Turkey Breast Tenderloins

Storage and Handling

Stores for one year at 0 F. Raw product – thaw in refrigerator and use within 10 days of thawing. Cook fully before consuming.

Additional information
